Date News Latest News Updates Tue, 24 Sep 2024 01:35:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 如何觀看 SpaceX Crew-9 發射到國際太空站 |數位趨勢 Tue, 24 Sep 2024 01:35:24 +0000 如何觀看 SpaceX Crew-9 發射到國際太空站 |數位趨勢

SpaceX 和 NASA 正在為 Crew-9 發射做準備,該發射將搭載一名美國太空人和一名俄羅斯太空人搭乘 SpaceX Crew Dragon 太空船前往國際太空站 (ISS)。

搭載太空艙及其機組人員的獵鷹 9 號火箭最快將於 9 月 26 日星期四從佛羅裡達州肯尼迪航天中心升空。然而,在周一進行飛行準備審查後,美國太空總署官員指出,發射可能會因風暴而推遲。

美國宇航局表示:“NASA、SpaceX 和美國太空軍第 45 氣像中隊正在密切監視潛在的九號熱帶氣旋及其在發射前逼近墨西哥灣和佛羅裡達州西海岸的情況。”

儘管如此,獵鷹 9 號火箭仍計劃於週二發射到肯尼迪航天發射中心 40 號,進行靜態點火和最後的彩排,為發射做準備。

最初的計劃是讓美國宇航局宇航員尼克·黑牙和俄羅斯航天局宇航員亞歷山大·戈爾布諾夫與美國宇航局宇航員澤娜·卡德曼和斯蒂芬妮·威爾遜一起飛往國際空間站,但卡德曼和威爾森最近被從航班上移走,因為需要他們的座位來帶蘇尼威廉斯和布奇回家威爾莫爾在二月份結束了 Crew-9 任務。威廉斯和威爾莫爾本應乘坐波音星際客機的太空船回家,但星際客機的技術問題促使美國太空總署將太空船空載返回地球,導致威廉斯和威爾莫爾無法搭車回家。

Crew-9 是 NASA 商業載人計劃下與 SpaceX 合作的第九次太空站乘員輪調任務。海牙和戈爾布諾夫將在太空站度過大約五個月的時間,進行實驗、研究演示和太空行走,以對軌道前哨站進行維護。


NASA 目前定於美國東部時間 9 月 26 日星期四下午 2:05 發射 Crew-9 任務。

您可以在 SpaceX 的 X 帳戶上觀看發射、升空以及飛往國際太空站的飛行的早期階段,該帳戶將直播整個過程。

如果發射時間表有任何變化,我們將在此處更新,但請務必查看 SpaceX 的社交媒體頻道以獲取最新資訊。

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戲劇性的無人機鏡頭捕捉到中國火箭著陸失敗的畫面 Tue, 24 Sep 2024 01:00:00 +0000 戲劇性的無人機鏡頭捕捉到中國火箭著陸失敗的畫面

摀臉: 中國新創公司正試圖效仿 SpaceX 和藍色起源近十年前所取得的成就——著陸和重複使用火箭的能力。儘管道路崎嶇不平,但至少有一家公司成功地用精彩的電影攝影記錄了自己的失敗。



目標是在內蒙古的一個試驗場將火箭發射到 5 至 10 公里的高度後著陸。儘管硬著陸,深藍宇航認為這次試驗「大部分」成功,11個目標中的10個已經完成。另一次嘗試計劃於 11 月進行。

星雲一號由雷霆-R液氧煤油引擎提供動力,是中國第一枚液體燃料可重複使用火箭。 2022年,它在達到一公里高度後成功著陸。

深藍和其他中國新創公司要趕上 SpaceX 和 Blue Origin 等美國競爭對手仍有很長的路要走,後者在 2015 年將可重複使用火箭發射到太空後成功著陸。值得注意的是,SpaceX 甚至成功地將其獵鷹 9 號火箭降落在海上無人機控制的平台上。


SpaceX 定於 2025 年 2 月執行的 Crew-9 任務將是下一次營救受困太空人的機會。 SpaceX執行長馬斯克繼續專注於他的火星野心,最近表示,SpaceX計劃在兩年內向火星發射五次無人駕駛任務,並希望在本世紀末之前完成載人任務。

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CrowdStrike:全球 IT 中斷的影響是什麼 Mon, 23 Sep 2024 23:18:25 +0000 CrowdStrike:全球 IT 中斷的影響是什麼


由於 CrowdStrike 軟體更新導致 IT 問題,英格蘭和北愛爾蘭的全科醫生服務面臨巨大中斷


自 7 月 19 日全球 IT 中斷以來已經過去兩個月了,其全面影響現在才顯現出來。

美國網路安全公司 CrowdStrike 的流氓軟體更新導致癱瘓 全球有八百五十萬台使用 Microsoft 系統的電腦。

CrowdStrike 的高級經理 Adam Meyers 將於週二在美國國會作證,解釋發生的事情以及該公司將如何防止另一場災難。

過去 22 年擔任全科醫生的 David Wrigley 博士告訴 BBC,在最嚴重的病例中,這可能會導致癌症治療的延誤。



David Wrigley 博士呼籲英格蘭國家醫療服務體系 (NHS England) 和英國政府在這種情況再次發生時為全科醫生提供更多支持

對於許多全科醫生來說,他們無法使用 EMIS 系統——一種管理預約和患者記錄以及向藥房發送處方的數位方式。

BMA 表示 CrowdStrike 中斷 這是“英格蘭全科醫生近年來最艱難的日子之一”,醫生被迫重新使用筆和紙。







Frances O’Hagan 博士表示,在她 27 年的全科醫生生涯中,唯一與 CrowdStrike 中斷類似的中斷是新冠疫情以及麻煩期間她在阿爾馬診所外發生的炸彈恐慌

BMA 表示,在其他地方也存在重大問題。 北愛爾蘭

BMA 北愛爾蘭全科醫生委員會主席 Frances O’Hagan 博士表示,北愛爾蘭約 75% 的全科醫生使用 EMIS 系統。




衛生部告訴 BBC,正在與「外部供應商」討論,以加強 CrowdStrike 中斷後的「連續性安排」。

據稱,在停電期間,全科醫生可以從 EMIS 存取患者資料的“本地副本”,並且所有其他系統都可以正常工作。


在薩裡,停電當天有 50 名原定接受放射治療的患者 被迫重新安排。

NHS 皇家薩裡信託基金會的發言人表示,所有緊急病例都會在 24 小時內處理。


英國政府告訴 BBC 新聞,緊急應變計畫已迅速制定,並表示正在與英國國民醫療服務體系 (NHS England) 合作,以幫助防止類似事件發生。


EPA 一群人在埃因霍溫機場等候美國環保署

這些荷蘭埃因霍溫機場的旅客是因 CrowdStrike 中斷而受到干擾的眾多旅客之一




梅蘭妮·克里 梅蘭妮和艾倫·克里梅蘭妮·克里

梅蘭妮和艾倫與朋友們在希臘島嶼度假兩週,慶祝他們的結婚 40 週年紀念日




他們的提供者 Tui 給了他們一張 400 英鎊的代金券。

勞拉瓊斯 勞拉瓊斯、馬爾科姆瓊斯和他們的兩個孩子勞拉瓊斯

勞拉瓊斯 (Laura Jones) 與家人在羅德島度假時合影,她表示,整個經歷讓她暫時不再出國旅行

當梅蘭妮和艾倫在科孚島苦苦掙扎時,另一個英國家庭在 500 英里(804 公里)外的地方也遇到了延誤。

勞拉瓊斯 (Laura Jones) 和馬爾科姆瓊斯 (Malcolm Jones) 帶著孩子在羅德島度假後,正艱難地回家。


他們在機場待了 16 個小時,然後被帶到會議中心,沮喪的旅客用桌布當毯子。

幾天後,一家人自掏腰包飛回英國,費用為 560 英鎊。

Tui 給了他們一張 600 英鎊的代金券。


Tui 在聲明中向客戶道歉。


CrowdStrike 中斷對世界各地的機場產生了影響,這些疲憊的乘客在密西根州底特律拍攝了照片


回到英國,小企業主道恩·瓦茨(Dawn Watts)以不同的方式陷入了停電的困境——她為清潔公司和酒店提供用品的網站無法運作。

她估計銷售額損失了約 600 英鎊。




Dawn Watts 對 CrowdStrike 的中斷尤其擔心,因為她背後沒有大公司的支持。

在倫敦經營精品健身工作室的漢娜·阿爾卡迪 (Hannah Al-Khaldi) 在網站無法正常運作時也遇到了類似的問題。

她估計這次停電讓她損失了 1,000 英鎊。



“供應商是否有足夠的選擇,還是 CrowdStrike 是唯一的選擇?”

CrowdStrike 的發言人告訴 BBC 新聞:「正如我們之前所說,我們完全理解事件的嚴重性,並向所有受影響的人道歉。


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眾議院共和黨稱美中研究推動了北京的軍事技術發展 Mon, 23 Sep 2024 23:02:19 +0000 眾議院共和黨稱美中研究推動了北京的軍事技術發展

華盛頓—— 國會共和黨人在一份新報告中聲稱,過去十年來,美國和中國在大學之間的合作關係已獲得數億美元的聯邦資金,幫助北京開發可用於軍事目的的關鍵技術。






研究人員表示,由於川普政府的反間諜計畫在 2022 年結束,美國學者與中國之間的合作也有所減少。



科普林表示:“顯然,美國聯邦資金不應該被用來提升中國的軍事能力,但也需要更多地討論什麼不是國家安全問題以及過度安全化的負面影響。” “人與人之間接觸的減少正在加劇目前中美關係的迅速惡化。”

週一的報告發現,大約有 8,800 篇出版物涉及接受國防部或美國情報界資助的美國研究人員與中國研究人員合作,其中許多人隸屬於中國的國防研究和工業基地。報告稱,此類研究「為進入外國敵對國家提供了後門,這些能力是防止其侵略的必要條件」。





該大學在一份聲明中表示:“GTSI 沒有進行任何研究,沒有為技術轉移提供便利,也沒有向中國提供聯邦資金。”


據清華大學柏克萊分校深圳學院網站稱,國會報告還指出,清華大學柏克萊分校深圳學院是加州大學柏克萊分校和中國清華大學於 2015 年在深圳市設立的,專注於「戰略新興產業」。

柏克萊大學負責研究的副校長凱瑟琳·耶利克(Katherine Yelick) 表示,柏克萊大學的研究人員“只從事其研究成果總是在世界各地公開傳播的研究”,並且該校“不知道伯克利TBSI 教員出於任何其他目的進行過任何研究」。在一份聲明中。





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今日紐約時報 Strands — 9 月 24 日星期二的提示、答案和 Spagram(遊戲#205) Mon, 23 Sep 2024 23:02:00 +0000 今日紐約時報 Strands — 9 月 24 日星期二的提示、答案和 Spagram(遊戲#205)

Strands 是《紐約時報》繼 Wordle、Spelling Bee 和 Connections 等之後推出的最新文字遊戲,而且非常有趣。不過,這可能很困難,所以請繼續閱讀我的 Strands 提示。

想要更多基於單字的樂趣嗎?然後查看我的 Wordle Today、NYT Connections Today 和 Quordle Today 頁面,以獲取這些遊戲的提示和答案。

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OpenAI CEO:「幾千天內」我們可能擁有AI超級智能 Mon, 23 Sep 2024 22:21:55 +0000 OpenAI CEO:「幾千天內」我們可能擁有AI超級智能

週一,OpenAI 執行長 Sam Altman 在一篇題為「智慧時代」的新個人部落格文章中概述了他對人工智慧驅動的技術進步和全球繁榮的未來的願景。這篇文章描繪了人工智慧加速人類進步的圖景,奧特曼表示超級智慧人工智慧可能在未來十年內出現。


OpenAI 目前的目標是創建 AGI(通用人工智慧),這是一個假設技術的術語,可以在執行許多任務時與人類智慧相匹配,而無需進行特定的訓練。相較之下,超級智力超越了通用人工智慧,它可以被視為一種假設的機器智慧水平,可以在任何智力任務上顯著超越人類,甚至可能達到難以想像的程度。

超級智慧(有時稱為“ASI”,意為“人工超級智慧”)是機器學習社群中一個流行但有時是邊緣的話題,而且已經存在多年了,尤其是自從備受爭議的哲學家尼克·博斯特羅姆(Nick Bostrom)寫了一本名為《 超級智慧:路徑、危險、策略 2014 年,前 OpenAI 聯合創始人兼首席科學家 Ilya Sutskever 於 6 月離開 OpenAI,創立了一家公司,其名稱為:Safe Superintelligence。與此同時,奧特曼本人至少從去年開始就一直在談論發展超級智慧。

那麼,「幾千天」到底有多長呢?具體沒有辦法說清楚。 Altman 選擇一個模糊數字的可能原因是,他並不確切知道 ASI 何時到來,但聽起來他認為這可能會在十年內發生。相較之下,2000天大約是5.5年,3000天大約是8.2年,4000天大約是11年。

在這裡批評奧特曼的含糊其辭很容易;沒有人能夠真正預測未來,但作為 OpenAI 的首席執行官,Altman 可能了解尚未為公眾廣泛所知的人工智慧研究技術。因此,即使在廣泛的時間範圍內表達,這種說法也來自人工智慧領域的一個值得注意的來源——儘管該來源投入了大量資金以確保人工智慧的進步不會停滯不前。

並不是每個人都像奧特曼那樣樂觀和熱情。電腦科學家和頻繁的人工智慧評論家Grady Booch 引用了Altman 的「幾千天」預測,並在X 上寫道:「我對所有人工智慧炒作感到非常厭倦:它沒有現實基礎,只會抬高估值,激怒公眾,石榴石 [sic] 成為頭條新聞,並分散人們對計算領域正在進行的實際工作的注意力。


「如果我們想讓盡可能多的人掌握人工智慧,」奧特曼在他的文章中寫道。 「我們需要降低運算成本並使其變得豐富(這需要大量的能源和晶片)。如果我們不建立足夠的基礎設施,人工智慧將成為非常有限的資源,引發戰爭,並在很大程度上上成為有錢人的工具。


2024 年 1 月 11 日,OpenAI 執行長 Sam Altman 走在華盛頓特區美國國會大廈的眾議院一側。
放大 / 2024 年 1 月 11 日,OpenAI 執行長 Sam Altman 走在華盛頓特區美國國會大廈的眾議院一側。



這位 OpenAI 執行長預計人工智慧助理的能力會越來越強,最終形成“個人人工智慧團隊”,可以幫助個人完成幾乎任何他們能想像的事情。他預計人工智慧將在教育、醫療、軟體開發等領域實現突破。


即使像 SB-1047 這樣的人工智慧監管成為當今的熱門話題,Altman 也沒有特別提到人工智慧帶來的科幻危險。彭博專欄作家馬修·伊格萊西亞斯(Matthew Yglesias) 在X 上寫道:「值得注意的是,@sama 甚至不再對存在的風險擔憂進行口頭承諾,他正在考慮的唯一缺點是勞動力市場調整問題。



「我們今天所做的許多工作對於幾百年前的人來說似乎是微不足道的浪費時間,但沒有人回顧過去,希望自己成為一名點燈人,」他寫道。 “如果一個點燈人能看到今天的世界,他會認為他周圍的繁榮是難以想像的。而如果我們能從今天快進一百年,我們周圍的繁榮也會讓人感到難以想像。”

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擬議的禁令將成為中國電動車在美國的“死刑” Mon, 23 Sep 2024 22:18:11 +0000 擬議的禁令將成為中國電動車在美國的“死刑”

在本月稍早正式提高中國電動車進口關稅後,美國政府更加認真地將中國製造的汽車拒之門外。週一,美國商務部提出了一項新規定,禁止部分中國和俄羅斯製造的汽車硬體和軟體進入美國,軟體限制最早將於 2026 年開始實施。

拜登政府表示,考慮到當今日益複雜的汽車的核心技術,此舉是出於國家安全原因而需要的。在宣布擬議禁令時,商務部長 Gina Raimondo 提到了車輛的連網攝影機、麥克風和 GPS 設備。她說:“不難想像,掌握這些資訊的外國對手可能會對我們的國家安全和美國公民的隱私構成嚴重風險。”


不過,擬議規則的重點是安全而不是競爭。雷蒙多先前曾提出外國行為者利用劫持的連網汽車技術在美國公共道路上造成混亂的擔憂。 「想像一下,如果美國道路上有數千或數十萬輛中國聯網車輛可能會被北京的某人立即同時禁用,」她在二月表示。

鑑於目前在美國供應汽車軟體或硬體的中國和俄羅斯公司很少,這種情況不太現實。研究和諮詢公司彭博資訊(Bloomberg Intelligence)的汽車研究全球主管史蒂夫·曼(Steve Man)表示,擬議的軟體和硬體禁令比對任何直接安全風險的反應更具先發製人的作用。拜登政府一位高級官員告訴《連線》雜誌:“中國和俄羅斯汽車製造商目前在美國汽車市場上並未發揮重要作用,美國司機目前是安全的。”

由於該規則將適用於任何連網汽車,而不僅僅是電動車,因此它將對中國製造的汽車技術產生更嚴格的禁令。 「如果對中國製造的電動車徵收 100% 的關稅是一堵牆,那麼擬議的連網汽車禁令對於打算進入美國的中國電動汽車公司來說將是死刑,」前主編雷星表示。 》和一位獨立分析師表示,根據這樣的規則,未來十年中國電動車在美國銷售的前景「幾乎為零」。

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Clouds of controversy hover over Aces’ three-peat bid Mon, 23 Sep 2024 22:02:05 +0000 Clouds of controversy hover over Aces’ three-peat bid

LAS VEGAS ACES owner Mark Davis clapped his hands as he stood next to WNBA commissioner Cathy Engelbert. They both grinned widely as the celebration of the 2023 champions kicked off the 2024 season.

Davis pumped his fists when coach Becky Hammon walked onto the court. He wrapped her in a warm embrace. Hammon looked at Engelbert and unzipped her white hoodie with a laugh. She was wearing the same Alice + Olivia floral blazer sported by Engelbert. The two shared a hug as the celebration rolled on.

A chorus of guttural barks escorted Kelsey Plum’s arrival to the ring ceremony. The embodiment of the Aces’ swagger, “Plum Dawg” once barked at Aces minority owner Tom Brady, who was among the first to take his place on the court. Chelsea Gray, who missed the clinching game of the Finals against the Liberty with a foot injury, walked onto the court holding her 3-month-old son, his ears covered by baby headphones. Davis bowed and fans chanted “MVP” when A’ja Wilson strolled into the spotlight.

The crowd at Michelob Ultra Arena counted down from 10, and the players flung open their jewelry boxes to reveal the grandiose evidence of their stature: Rings featuring the Aces logo, made up of 34 diamonds to represent each of their regular-season victories. The phrase “Back 2 Back,” etched onto the right panel, honored the first WNBA repeat champions since the L.A. Sparks in 2001-02. On the left panel was each player’s name, number and position.

“We’re back,” Davis said. “Not only are we back, we’re back-to-back world champions. All I can say is let’s three-peat.”

As the banner rose to the rafters, the Aces looked carefree and invincible. A month earlier, the WNBA held its annual draft and welcomed Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese and the most-hyped rookie class in its history. But the message on this May day was clear: The present belonged to the two-time defending champion Aces.

But just four days later, the celebration started to sour. The league announced an investigation to determine if the Aces were providing impermissible benefits and circumventing the salary cap. Three days after that, the Aces lost their first game of the season, which led to a shocking 4-6 stretch for the preseason favorites, who had lost a total of six games over the entirety of the 2023 regular season. In August, former Aces forward Dearica Hamby filed a federal lawsuit alleging the Aces had discriminated against her for being pregnant when she was traded to the Los Angeles Sparks after the 2022 championship.

Now, despite a historic season from Wilson, who was named the league’s unanimous MVP on Sunday, their hopes of becoming the second team in league history to three-peat seem far more fragile than they did four months ago. The Aces enter the postseason seeded fourth and play the Seattle Storm in a best-of-three first-round series starting Sunday. If they advance, the top-seeded New York Liberty could be waiting in the semifinals. Maybe the Aces knew even back on that celebratory day what was to come.

Inscribed on the inside arch of those 2023 WNBA championship rings: Aces vs. Everybody.

STEVE HILL VISITED the Aces’ locker room at Michelob Ultra Arena in May to share what he considered to be good news. Hill, the CEO and president of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA), was about to announce an unprecedented sponsorship.

“Today we want to do something new,” Hill said as the players sat at their lockers. “We want to recognize you individually. We want to put some money in your pockets.”

Wilson, a two-time MVP, playfully sat up in her chair and scooted across the floor. She was listening. Intently.

The offer, as Hill put it, was for a $100,000 sponsorship from the LVCVA for each Aces player. The conditions of the offer were simple. “We want you to just play,” Hill said. “We want you to keep repping Las Vegas. And if you do get a three-peat, that’ll be icing on the cake.”

According to the salary data from Spotrac, $100,000 is more than the salaries of four players who were on the Aces’ roster at the start of the season: Megan Gustafson, Kierstan Bell, Kate Martin and Sydney Colson. Kiah Stokes reportedly makes $100,000 exactly, and Alysha Clark’s salary is $110,000.

The Las Vegas tourism account on X posted the video of the announcement on May 17. The next day, news outlets reported that the WNBA had opened an investigation into whether or not the sponsorship violated the terms of the collective bargaining agreement and granted impermissible benefits.

The salary cap for the 2024 WNBA season is $1,463,200. According to Spotrac, the Aces’ total team salary is $1,435,261, leaving $27,939 in remaining cap space. An additional $100,000 for each person on the Aces creates another $1.2 million in capital available for Aces players that is not available for players on other teams. While the league has not publicly stated a specific motive for the investigation, the probable concern rests in a possible competitive advantage from salary cap circumvention.

Hill insists the LVCVA did nothing wrong. “[The players] have every right to sign a sponsorship agreement,” he said to The Associated Press. “We’ve taped all the players and broadcast their image, so we owe them for that. That’s the first deliverable in the deal, so we are moving forward.”

The WNBA hired Kobre & Kim to conduct its investigation into the LVCVA sponsorship deal, but has otherwise shared few details.

“I always let the lawyers do the work before we speak about it,” Engelbert said at this year’s All-Star Game in Phoenix. “So that work is ongoing. We hired outside counsel. They’re continuing their work. When there’s something to report, we’ll be back to you.”

As of Sept. 17, the WNBA had no further comment on the status of the investigation. Neither did Plum.

Instead, she smiled wide when asked by an ESPN reporter if the investigation felt targeted. “Is that your last question?” she asked after a long pause.

“I have one more,” the reporter told her.

“Ask me that one,” she said, deftly changing the subject.

IT’S HARD TO PINPOINT exactly what has gone wrong for Las Vegas on the court. There have been injuries; the backcourt is sputtering. The off-court issues have become a distraction; four of its starters played for Team USA in the Olympics; winning three championships in a row is just difficult. The list goes on.

The Aces played 12 games to start the season without Gray, who fractured her foot in Game 3 of the 2023 WNBA Finals. Her points per game (8.6), assists (4.9), and shooting percentage (40.8%) are all down from a season ago.

It’s not just Gray. Guard Jackie Young is averaging 15.8 points, shooting 33.7% from beyond the arc and shooting just 43.0% overall. Last year, those numbers were 17.6 points, 44.9% and 52.3%. Plum hasn’t fared much better. She averaged 18.7 points while shooting 47.5% from the field and 38.9% on 3-point attempts last season. But this year her 3-point percentage is 36.8%, and she’s shooting 42.3% from the field to average 17.8 points.

“Chelsea, Jackie and Kelsey Plum are our separation factors,” Hammon said. “When those three are clicking, we become a whole problem to try to guard.”

Three-peats are elusive for a reason. In WNBA history, only the Houston Comets have done it — when they won the first four titles from 1997 to 2000. It has happened five times in the NBA, five times in the NHL and four times in MLB. No team has been able to win three consecutive Super Bowls. The Green Bay Packers, who won an NFL title in 1966 and then the first two Super Bowls in 1967 and 1968, are the closest.

Sustaining greatness to win multiple championships takes hard work and commitment to do the small things. The Aces have admittedly struggled to do the small things for much of the season.

“When you’ve won, you don’t have that same chip on your shoulder that other people have who haven’t won,” Colson said. “They’re coming for their first title or whatever it might be.”

“We have some people on our team that literally those two championships can solidify their whole career,” Wilson said. “They’ve done amazing things in our league, but they’re like, ‘OK, we’ve done what we really wanted to do,’ which was win. I can also say so for myself. I feel like if I didn’t get that fourth-place [2023 MVP] vote, who knows where my mind would be? So, it’s finding that will, that grit, that hunger that you want to be greedy in it.”

This is all happening while Wilson is breaking records. She is averaging a league and career high of 26.9 points. Her 1,021 season point total is the highest in WNBA history and she’s the first player to break the 1,000-point barrier in a single season. If that’s not enough, she also set the single-season rebound record (451). And that’s with missing two games.

As the saying goes, offense wins games, but defense wins championships. Hammon has routinely maligned the Aces’ lack of defensive focus. They rank fifth in defensive rating, which measures the amount of points a team allows per 100 possessions. In 2023, they were the best in the league.

“We are the scariest average team in the W,” Hammon said in August. “We’re still trying to hammer home discipline, habits. And we still have time. You know? I’m looking at these last 10 games as the fourth quarter. It’s the fourth quarter. It’s crunch time.”

THE BOOING STARTED in earnest when Hamby fouled Wilson in the lane on Aug. 18. When the announcer at Michelob Ultra Arena identified Hamby as the culprit, the Aces’ fans took the boos to another level. Six days earlier, Hamby had filed a federal lawsuit against the league and the Aces alleging the Aces and Hammon discriminated against her for being pregnant and the league neither investigated appropriately nor issued adequate punishment.

The booing continued. When Hamby dribbled the ball up the court after a rebound, a smattering of fans booed her. When she dribbled into the lane to attack the basket, fans booed and then cheered when she was fouled. When she hit a 3-pointer from the top of the key near the end of the first quarter, the crowd booed that too.

“I fought back tears the entire game,” Hamby said of the experience on the “Good Game with Sarah Spain” podcast. “It was heartbreaking. People don’t fully know or understand, they’re just going off the sport aspect of it, so I understand that. Leading up to it, I had severe overwhelmness and anxiety in my stomach.”

Hamby won a championship with the Aces in 2022. She is a two-time WNBA Sixth Woman of the Year winner and a three-time WNBA All-Star. She won a bronze medal at the Paris Olympics as a member of the United States 3×3 team. Until she was traded, Hamby spent her entire career with the Aces organization and its previous iteration, the San Antonio Stars.

Hamby announced her pregnancy during the 2022 championship parade. She was traded to the Los Angeles Sparks in January 2023 along with the Aces’ 2024 first-round pick. In return, the Aces received a 2024 second-round pick and the negotiating rights to forward Amanda Zahui B. With Hamby’s salary off the books, Las Vegas was able to sign Candace Parker during free agency.

After she was traded, Hamby alleged on social media that she was mistreated and was promised benefits — which she later revealed to be her daughter’s private school tuition — that she did not receive. Women’s National Basketball Players Association executive director Terri Jackson said Hamby consulted with union leadership prior to the trade. The union later asked the WNBA to investigate Hamby’s allegations. On May 16, 2023, the WNBA announced that Hammon was suspended for two games without pay for violating league and team workplace policies and stripped the Aces of their 2025 first-round draft pick for impermissible player benefits.

In her lawsuit, Hamby alleged that Hammon told her she “was not taking proper precautions not to get pregnant,” and questioned her commitment to the team. Hamby stated that when she asked Hammon if she was being traded because of her pregnancy, Hammon responded, “What do you want me to do?”

Hammon has denied the allegations.

“Do you want some facts?” Hammon said during a news conference following the Aces’ win over the Sparks on Aug. 18. “Here are some facts. I’ve been in either the WNBA or the NBA for now 25 years. I’ve never had an HR complaint. Never, not once. I still didn’t actually because Dearica didn’t file any. She didn’t file with the players’ union. She didn’t file with the WNBA. Those are facts. It’s also factual that nobody made a call about trading her until Atlanta called us in January.”

Hamby filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in September 2023 and received a notice of right to sue on May 23, 2024. The Aces and WNBA filed motions for dismissal on Sept. 11.

The lawsuit remains ongoing and is unresolved. Hamby did not respond to requests for comment.

“When I signed up to be a head coach, I knew exactly what I was getting into,” Hammon said on Aug. 30. “And it’s called being scrutinized. That’s part of the job. And that’s OK. You stick with your values. You treat people the right way. And you leave it there.”

THE ACES WEREN’T PLANNING to go on stage during Wild ‘N Out’s visit to Las Vegas. They were content to sit in the audience, supporting Colson as she joined the cast for their stop in Vegas. Wild ‘N Out is part improv, part hip-hop and all comedy.

After some cajoling from Colson, the Aces dutifully filed onto the stage at MGM Grand Garden Arena. They had just returned from Phoenix after beating the Mercury that afternoon. Colson thanked her teammates for joining her by promptly roasting them.

“This is my team,” she said in a sing-song tone. “We’re the Las Vegas Aces. But if we keep losing games, we’re gonna be in last place…es.”

Wilson’s mouth dropped open in surprise as she turned to the side, laughing. Clark let out a guffaw and Gray lost it next to Wilson. “We got to tighten up,” Colson added over the cheers and laughter from the crowd and her teammates alike.

For long stretches of the season, the Aces didn’t look like themselves. This — playful roasting rooted in a serious push to be better — was more on brand.

“We’re going to find a little piece of joy because we know that there’s people out in this world that are doing far more worse than what we’re doing,” Wilson said. “We’re just losing a couple games and it looks bad. But there are people out here that are struggling to find places to eat, to sleep, clothes on their back. That’s the real struggle. We don’t take moments for granted and we try to find joy in everything. And I think that’s what makes us who we are.”

Part of focusing on that joy is leaving the other stuff — the pressure, the social media posts, the controversies — at the arena door. Sometimes, though, the noise leaks through.

“At the end of the day, we’re human, so there are things that we feel, that we see and hear that have an effect,” Clark said. “But to be able to have a group of people to be vulnerable with, to sit down and talk with and that internal support. … We don’t need everybody in our business knowing what we’re doing and talking about. We’re about it behind closed doors.”

The Aces (27-13) are a league-best 9-1 over their past 10 games. Their five-game winning streak is the longest active winning streak in the league.

But a key moment came in a loss. Wilson tweaked her ankle near the end of the Sept. 6 game against the Sun and sat out the following game against the Liberty. Without her, Las Vegas cut a 20-point deficit and lost 75-71.

“People talk s—,” Wilson said. “People, mostly social, talk s— about this team all the time. It seems like everyone has something to say. Everybody’s a coach. Everyone knows what’s going on. And that’s draining. That’s exhausting to hear that every single day. So now, to have a showing like that, it’s kind of like, ‘Now what?’ And I think sometimes we need that.”

After one practice in Indianapolis, Gray highlighted the vibe shift on the team. Members of the Aces were in and out of the practice gym at Gainbridge Fieldhouse ahead of the team’s first of two games in Indiana that week.

“Syd,” Gray called out to Colson. “What kind of alcohol do I drink?”

“Tequila,” Colson answered with a shrug and a laugh.

Gray, tickled by the face Colson made, started laughing so hard she wheezed. She implored Colson to say the type of tequila specifically. When Colson couldn’t do it, she passed the task to Clark. After a couple of guesses, Clark got it.

“There we go,” Gray shouted with a clap.

The lively and lighthearted mood that was missing for much of the season was back. The quality of play has elevated, too.

Gray averaged 10.6 points and shot 44.9% in September. Plum scored 25 points or more twice this month. Young had a career-best 14 assists on Sept. 1. Wilson remained otherworldly.

As Davis said 131 days ago, maybe the Aces are back.

“It was Aces vs. Aces vs. Everybody,” Colson says. “But now I think it’s Aces vs. Everybody.”

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